11가지 방법에 대해서 소개할까 합니다.
11 Ways to Get Closer to Nature in British Columbia
브리티시 컬럼비아에서 자연에 더 가까이 가는 11가지 방법
230피트 높이의 멋진 Brandywine 폭포가 협곡으로 떨어지는 공중뷰가 보인다.
The beauty of British Columbia is that you don’t have to journey far outside its main cities to enjoy the great outdoors. It offers travelers a perfect pairing of urban and outdoor adventure.
브리티시 컬럼비아의 아름다움은 멋진 야외 활동을 즐기기 위해 주요 도시들을 멀리 여행하지 않아도 된다는 것이다. 그것은 여행객들에게 도시와 야외 활동의 완벽한 조합을 제공한다.
Visit Grouse Mountain
Visit Grouse Mountain
Perched over four thousand feet above the city, Vancouver’s most accessible mountain playground is about 20 minutes from downtown. Hop aboard the Grouse Mountain Skyride, an aerial tram that ferries you up the mountain. At the top, you can hike well marked trails, catch a lumberjack show, and visit a research and conservation center that’s home to a pair of orphaned grizzly bears. You can also book a scenic mountaintop helicopter tour over Vancouver’s breathtakingly beautiful coastline and mountains or hike up the Grouse Grind trail for ultimate views of both the city and the ocean.
Grouse Mountain 관광
시내보다 4천 피트 이상 높은 곳에 위치한, 벤쿠버에서 가장 접근성이 좋은 mountain playground는 시내에서 약 20분 거리에 있다. Grouse Mountain Skyride에 탑승하면 aerial tram(곤돌라)는 당신을 산 정상으로 데려다 줍니다.
정상에서, 여러분은 잘 안내된 산책로를 하이킹할 수 있고, lumberjack show(통나무 썰기, 물에 띄운 통나무 구르기 등 목재를 이용한 다양한 경기 행사)를 볼 수 있고, 연구 보호센터를 방문하여 고아가 된 grizzly bears 한 쌍이 살고 있는 것을 볼 수 있다. 밴쿠버의 숨막힐 정도로 아름다운 해안선과 산을 넘나드는 경치좋은 산 정상 헬리콥터 투어를 예약하거나, 궁극의 도시와 바다 경치 모두를 보기 위해 Grouse Grind 등산로를 오르기도 한다.
Ride the Sea to Sky Gondola
Located just under an hour north of Vancouver, the town of Squamish is known as the outdoor recreation capital of Canada. Getting close to nature here starts with ascending nearly three thousand feet in only ten minutes aboard this popular Gondola. Breathtaking views of Howe Sound, the famous Stawamus Chief rock face and the Coast Mountains reward you at the top. From there you can explore a network of hiking and walking trails, local food in the Summit Lodge, or test your nerves crossing the 328-foot-long Sky Pilot Suspension Bridge that overlooks the fjord far below.
Sea to Sky Gondola 탑승하기
밴쿠버 북쪽으로 1시간 미만인 곳에 위치한 Squamish는 캐나다의 대표적인 아웃도어 휴양지로 알려져 있다. 이곳에서 자연을 가까이 하는 것은 이 유명한 곤돌라를 타고 불과 10분 만에 거의 3천 피트 상승하는 것으로 시작된다. Howe Sound(곤돌라에서 보이는 바다쪽 지역의 이름)의 숨막히는 풍경과 , 유명한 Stawamus Chief rock face, Coast Mountains의 경치는 정상에서 당신에게 보답한다. 그곳에서 여러분은 등산로 하이킹 탐험과 등산로 산책, Summit Lodge에서의 현지 음식을 즐기거나, 멀리 아래의 피오르를 내려다보는 328피트 길이의 Sky Pilot Suspension Bridge를 건너면서 당신의 대담성을 시험할 수 있다.

Bike the Kettle Valley Railway
This long abandoned historic rail line running through the Okanagan Valley has been transformed into one of British Columbia’s most scenic cycling routes. Many sections of its almost 400 miles of interconnected trails offer easy grades suitable for most riders, from casual day-trippers to serious athletes. Pedal at your own pace, taking in the stunning views as you cross old wooden rail trestles, cruise through tunnels and follow winding pathways through the heart of the Okanagan’s celebrated wine region. You can tackle the trail on a self-guided journey or join an organized one. Some providers even pair cycling trips with brewery tours and wine tastings.
Kettle Valley 철도 자전거
오카나간 계곡을 가로지르는 이 오래 방치된 역사적인 철도는 브리티시 컬럼비아에서 가장 경치가 좋은 자전거 도로 중 하나로 탈바꿈했다. 거의 400마일에 달하는 서로 연결된 코스는 일반 당일 이용자에서 실제 선수에 이르기까지 대부분의 탑승자에게 쉽고 적합한 코스를 제공한다.
오카나간의 유명한 와인 지역의 중심부를 따라 구불구불한 나무 레일 트레블을 건너고 터널을 통과하며 구불구불한 길을 따라가면서 당신만의 속도로 페달을 밟아라. 당신은 스스로 길을 찾아가거나 조직적인 여행에 동참할 수 있다. 어떤 여행사들은 심지어 자전거 여행과 양조장 투어, 와인 시음도 함께 제공한다.
Indulge in Wine Touring
With the grape harvest in full swing and many wine festival events taking place, BC’s Okanagan region in fall is an oenophile’s delight. Over 175 wineries operate here, growing varietals like pinot gris, viognier, and gamay noir.
You’ll find them dotted among a lovely chain of lakes, rolling hills and lakeside towns. Choose a self-driven excursion from Kelowna or join an organized wine tour, stopping often to sip and savor. You can even kayak or cycle between wineries, stopping for tastings before dining at one of numerous fine winery restaurants.
와인 투어링에 빠지다.
With the grape harvest in full swing and many wine festival events taking place, BC’s Okanagan region in fall is an oenophile’s delight. Over 175 wineries operate here, growing varietals like pinot gris, viognier, and gamay noir.
You’ll find them dotted among a lovely chain of lakes, rolling hills and lakeside towns. Choose a self-driven excursion from Kelowna or join an organized wine tour, stopping often to sip and savor. You can even kayak or cycle between wineries, stopping for tastings before dining at one of numerous fine winery restaurants.
와인 투어링에 빠지다.
포도 수확이 한창이고 많은 와인 축제 행사가 열리는 가운데, BC의 오카나간 지역의 가을은 와인 전문가들에게 기쁨이다. 175개 이상의 와이너리가 이곳에서 운영되며 pinot gris, viognier, 그리고 gamay noir와 같은 품종을 재배한다.
당신은 점으로 둘러쌓여 체인처럼 연결된 아름다운 호수, 구불구불한 언덕, 호숫가 마을들 사이에 있는 것을 찾을 것이다. 켈로나에서 자가 운전 여행을 선택하거나 와인을 마시며 풍미를 즐기는 조직적인 와인 투어에 참여하시라.
여러분은 심지어 카누를 타거나 와이너리 사이를 오가며 멈추어 시식을 즐기세요. 수많은 좋은 와이너리 레스토랑에서 저녁 식사를하기 전에.
당신은 점으로 둘러쌓여 체인처럼 연결된 아름다운 호수, 구불구불한 언덕, 호숫가 마을들 사이에 있는 것을 찾을 것이다. 켈로나에서 자가 운전 여행을 선택하거나 와인을 마시며 풍미를 즐기는 조직적인 와인 투어에 참여하시라.
여러분은 심지어 카누를 타거나 와이너리 사이를 오가며 멈추어 시식을 즐기세요. 수많은 좋은 와이너리 레스토랑에서 저녁 식사를하기 전에.
Take a Farm to Table Tour
From peaches and cherries to apples, the Okanagan is British Columbia’s orchard. With such an abundance produced near so many gourmet restaurants, this is fertile soil for culinary exploration. Locally grown produce appears on the plates of this gastronomic region’s best restaurants. On a farm to table tour you can meet growers and chefs, tasting for yourself how they infuse such bounty in the Okanagan’s delicious cuisine. Here amid the orchards, fields and kitchens, the path to your plate is a movable feast.
빅토리아 (밴쿠버 아일랜드에 위치한 도시이자 B.C의 주도)
Go Whale Watching
Few outdoor experiences can compare to a close encounter with a whale in the wild. The nutrient rich waters off the coast of Vancouver Island are teeming with marine life, including orcas, grey whales, humpbacks and minkes. Seals, sea lions, porpoises, seabirds and bald eagles also call these temperate seas home. Join one of the many whale watching tours departing daily from Victoria’s Inner Harbor. Within an hour you could spot a sea lion colony or a majestic orca breaching and slapping its tail on the surface as you explore its watery world.
Escape to Salt Spring Island
Just a 35-minute float plane flight from downtown Vancouver, one of the most popular of British Columbia’s Southern Gulf Islands feels like it is worlds apart. This artsy enclave is home to one of Canada’s best outdoor markets, overflowing with locally grown produce, handicrafts and homemade confections. Spend a day hiking, golfing, cycling and kayaking. Tour an organic vineyard. Or chill out on a secluded beach. Then visit one of the funky coffee shops and cafes in the eclectic town of Ganges and soak up the relaxed island vibe.
Visit The Butchart Gardens
Dahlias, roses, chrysanthemums and other flowers have been exploding into riotous fall colors at these internationally acclaimed floral display gardens for over a hundred years. Meticulously maintained in a former quarry, The Butchart Gardens contains over fifty 50 acres of bedding plant varieties blooming in 26 greenhouses. Visit in fall to observe perennials making splashes of color, as well as Japanese maples turning gold, russet and red. Stroll through the Sunken Gardens. And indulge in award-winning locally sourced cuisine, surrounded by fragrant blossoms and blooms. Children can play in the domed Children’s Pavilion and Menagerie Carousel.
부챳(부챠드) 가든
개인적으로 비추천...
한국의 아침고요 수목원이 더 평화롭고 아름답다고 생각합니다.
결정적인 비추천 이유는 가성비... 너무 비싸요. ㅎㅎ
Walk the Cloudraker Skybridge at the Peak of Whistler Mountain
For unforgettable views, take a walk across the newly opened Cloudraker Skybridge to the Raven’s Eye Cliff Walk. The suspension bridge is located at the top of Whistler Mountain, spans over 400 feet crossing high above Whistler Bowl and offers an adrenaline-pumping activity at the peak of Whistler Mountain.
휘슬러 (세계적인 스키장으로 유명한 밴쿠버 북부에 위치한 지역)
Hike the High Note Trail
Early fall is an excellent time to hike in Whistler. The higher trails are clear of snow, the cooler days are perfect for trekking and nature’s colors are at their most vivid. Unmatched for panoramic views of hundreds of snow-capped peaks, the High Note Trail is particularly Instagramable. After reaching the summit of Whistler Mountain via Gondola and an open-air chairlift, take this six-mile round trip offering spectacular views of Garibaldi Provincial Park and shimmering Cheakamus Lake. The hike starts and ends near the mid-mountain Roundhouse Lodge, where you can fuel up and then wind down feeling literally on top of the world.
For a lower elevation hike and just a few miles south of Whistler, Brandywine Falls Provincial Park is home to spectacular waterfalls and views of Daisy Lake and Black Tusk, the soaring monolithic remains of a dormant volcano.
Go Ziplining
North America’s premier snow sports destination also offers plenty of aerial outdoor year-round fun. One of Whistler’s most popular high-flying adventures is soaring like a bird through majestic old-growth temperate rainforests, across canyons and over creeks safely clipped to a zipline. Several local operators offer exhilarating guided zipline tours suitable for all ages and abilities. Routes follow networks of suspension bridges, boardwalks and trails while introducing you to Whistler’s diverse ecology.
짚라인 타기
From peaches and cherries to apples, the Okanagan is British Columbia’s orchard. With such an abundance produced near so many gourmet restaurants, this is fertile soil for culinary exploration. Locally grown produce appears on the plates of this gastronomic region’s best restaurants. On a farm to table tour you can meet growers and chefs, tasting for yourself how they infuse such bounty in the Okanagan’s delicious cuisine. Here amid the orchards, fields and kitchens, the path to your plate is a movable feast.
빅토리아 (밴쿠버 아일랜드에 위치한 도시이자 B.C의 주도)
Go Whale Watching
Few outdoor experiences can compare to a close encounter with a whale in the wild. The nutrient rich waters off the coast of Vancouver Island are teeming with marine life, including orcas, grey whales, humpbacks and minkes. Seals, sea lions, porpoises, seabirds and bald eagles also call these temperate seas home. Join one of the many whale watching tours departing daily from Victoria’s Inner Harbor. Within an hour you could spot a sea lion colony or a majestic orca breaching and slapping its tail on the surface as you explore its watery world.
Escape to Salt Spring Island
Just a 35-minute float plane flight from downtown Vancouver, one of the most popular of British Columbia’s Southern Gulf Islands feels like it is worlds apart. This artsy enclave is home to one of Canada’s best outdoor markets, overflowing with locally grown produce, handicrafts and homemade confections. Spend a day hiking, golfing, cycling and kayaking. Tour an organic vineyard. Or chill out on a secluded beach. Then visit one of the funky coffee shops and cafes in the eclectic town of Ganges and soak up the relaxed island vibe.
Visit The Butchart Gardens
Dahlias, roses, chrysanthemums and other flowers have been exploding into riotous fall colors at these internationally acclaimed floral display gardens for over a hundred years. Meticulously maintained in a former quarry, The Butchart Gardens contains over fifty 50 acres of bedding plant varieties blooming in 26 greenhouses. Visit in fall to observe perennials making splashes of color, as well as Japanese maples turning gold, russet and red. Stroll through the Sunken Gardens. And indulge in award-winning locally sourced cuisine, surrounded by fragrant blossoms and blooms. Children can play in the domed Children’s Pavilion and Menagerie Carousel.
부챳(부챠드) 가든
개인적으로 비추천...
한국의 아침고요 수목원이 더 평화롭고 아름답다고 생각합니다.
결정적인 비추천 이유는 가성비... 너무 비싸요. ㅎㅎ
For unforgettable views, take a walk across the newly opened Cloudraker Skybridge to the Raven’s Eye Cliff Walk. The suspension bridge is located at the top of Whistler Mountain, spans over 400 feet crossing high above Whistler Bowl and offers an adrenaline-pumping activity at the peak of Whistler Mountain.
휘슬러 (세계적인 스키장으로 유명한 밴쿠버 북부에 위치한 지역)
Hike the High Note Trail
Early fall is an excellent time to hike in Whistler. The higher trails are clear of snow, the cooler days are perfect for trekking and nature’s colors are at their most vivid. Unmatched for panoramic views of hundreds of snow-capped peaks, the High Note Trail is particularly Instagramable. After reaching the summit of Whistler Mountain via Gondola and an open-air chairlift, take this six-mile round trip offering spectacular views of Garibaldi Provincial Park and shimmering Cheakamus Lake. The hike starts and ends near the mid-mountain Roundhouse Lodge, where you can fuel up and then wind down feeling literally on top of the world.
For a lower elevation hike and just a few miles south of Whistler, Brandywine Falls Provincial Park is home to spectacular waterfalls and views of Daisy Lake and Black Tusk, the soaring monolithic remains of a dormant volcano.
Go Ziplining
North America’s premier snow sports destination also offers plenty of aerial outdoor year-round fun. One of Whistler’s most popular high-flying adventures is soaring like a bird through majestic old-growth temperate rainforests, across canyons and over creeks safely clipped to a zipline. Several local operators offer exhilarating guided zipline tours suitable for all ages and abilities. Routes follow networks of suspension bridges, boardwalks and trails while introducing you to Whistler’s diverse ecology.
짚라인 타기
전문적인 번역이 아니니 미흡한 점이 있더라도 이해 바랍니다. (오역, 수정에 대한 댓글 조언 환영합니다.) 기사원문 링크; https://goo.gl/fdjqif
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